
Past events

26 April 2024, 19:00
UGM Kabinet, Strossmayerjeva 6

Marina Caneve’s Exhibition

Opening of the exhibition On the Ground among the Animals by Italian artist Marina Caneve. The artist explores the ambiguities inherent in the dominating role played by human beings over nature and the tensions that emerge from the human relationship with other animals. The project takes its cue from an analytical study of the network of ecological corridors promoted by the European Union, as part of the Natura 2000 project to preserve fauna, flora and biodiversity.

5 June 2024, 13:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Project by Art Pedagogy students

The Earths habitable ability is reducing and hence forcing us, to research new perspectives and search for innovative solutions. Many of those go above the anthropocentric worldview and are encouraging reflections about reevaluating the human relationship with environment and other living beings. The garden and the lung dispensary in centre of Maribor, that are abandoned, are a representation of the persistence and appropriation of living beings, that reside there. Their perseverance and resilience is mirrored in their biological processes, that have in the past 10 years, without human intervention, settled the place. Their properties became an inspiration for artworks created by students. With it, they are challenging well established norms of observing, are checking and broadening the limits of our understanding and shaping new visions of our shared, more than human, future.

5 June 2024, 18:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Gal Kirn: Partisan Ecology

In his lecture, Gal Kirn will define the concept of partisan ecology and place it in the context of the Second World War and the Yugoslav partisan struggle (National Liberation Struggle). He will interpret a number of partisan artworks and their authors who tried to depict the immense sensitivity to the non-human world, plants, animals and especially the forest. The author argues that in contrast to the fascist occupation and domination over humans and nature, the partisan movement sought to build a solidarity between the partisans and animals/nature.

7 June 2024, 19:00
TKALKA, Tkalski prehod 4

Ajda Kadunc’s exhibition

In partnership with the Tkalka Gallery, we are launching the second collateral environment of the Triennial EKO 9. Tkalka opened its doors last year and in the course of a year has presented a number of exhibitions that are thematically linked to the themes that we are foregrounding with the Triennial EKO. Together, we invite you to a solo exhibition by Ajda Kadunc, a breakthrough artist of the younger generation, titled Propagation. The exhibition will be presented at the Tkalka Gallery.

14 June 2024, 13:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Themed guided tour and talk / The Old Sanatorium and Art

For this themed tour and lunchtime talk, EKO 9’s artistic director Jure Kirbiš is joined by his artistic advisor Markus Waitschacher and artist Vid Koprivšek. The topic of the talk will be installations linked to the premises of the old sanatorium, where the ninth edition of the EKO Triennial is taking place. The old sanatorium is characterised by its collective memory and modernist architectural design. Some of the artists in the exhibition Eyes in the Stone respond to the character of the spaces, others use objects found in the space, and still others refer to the history of the sanatorium.

27 June 2024, 13:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Themed guided tour and talk / Storytelling and Landscape

For a thematic guided tour and talk on 27 June at 13:00 in the old sanatorium, the EKO 9 project leader Živa Kleindienst will be joined by artist Ana Čavić and artist Thomas Hörl. This time they will shed light on the topic of storytelling in different media through a conversation. We will discuss the themes of horror, folklore, landscape and nature as the content and backdrop of stories.

6 July 2024, 19:00
Judgement Tower, Minoriti, Pristan 8

Opening of Saša Bezjak’s exhibition

You are invited to the opening of the fourth EKO 9 Collateral environment, featuring the artist Saša Bezjak. She has created a series of twenty-one original drawings on textile, inspired by the photographs of Terezija Mostler, one of the first Slovenian photographers, who lived and worked in Trata. The photographs on which the embroidered drawings are based are from the collection of the Museum of Madness and depict a now distant way of life in the Slovenian countryside of the past. At a workshop on compassion for nature, held at the Museum of Madness in Trate in September 2023, participants embroidered Saša Bezjak’s drawings into fabric. The series of drawings and embroideries entitled Needle in a Haystack (2024) will be on display at the exhibition at the Judgement Tower of the Maribor Minoriti until 31 August 2024.

6 July 2024, 21:00
Letni kino Minoriti, Vojašniški trg 2a

The Wicker Man: final cut

In the beautiful atmosphere of the Maribor Puppet Theatre’s Auditorium, we will be watching The Wicker Man (1973) as part of the event Letni kino Minoriti, annual open air cinema. This cult classic of British folk horror has been restored to 4K for its 50th anniversary, and as a final cut. The screening will be followed by a discussion about the film with film critic Marcel Štefančič Jr., moderated by Žiga Brdnik.

11 July 2024, 18:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Neja Rakušček: (Not) Accepting Change. The intersection of body and ecological horror

We invite you to the garden of the old sanatorium on Tyrševa 19, for a lecture by Neja Rakušček on body and ecological horror. The lecture is part of the triennial EKO 9: Eyes in the Stone and is organised in cooperation with the Pekarna Magdalenske mreže and Film Factory, which are running the Film Genres through Social Criticism series for the second year in a row, as a continuation of the History of Film series (2021) and the Theory of Film series (2022). After the lecture, Dr Maja Pan will be in conversation with the guest.

25 July 2024, 17:00–20:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Wild food workshop with Katja Rebolj

In this workshop we will learn about wild plants that can be used as wild food in our daily diet or as medicinal plants for various medical conditions. We will collect and taste the plants in the field and serve ourselves a traveller’s wild snack from a basket. The aim of the workshop is for each participant, regardless of their background, to learn some new plants that they can use in their own kitchen and for their own health. We know that wild plants are known for their mineral content, vitamins and various nutrients that are essential for our bodies. However, as there are also plants that can harm us, special care is needed.

20 August 2024, 13:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Moderated discussion: Sustainable public use of heritage sites and their significance in the urban environment

Invited experts from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, contemporary art, cultural anthropology, conservation and heritage science will discuss the social implications of revitalised heritage sites in the urban environment for today’s communities. Among other things, we will address the question of the possibilities of interpreting cultural heritage in relation to contemporary artistic practices and highlight the conservation, architectural and landscape architectural challenges of revitalising heritage settings in the face of climate change.

22 August 2024, 19:30
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Artist Talks: Ana Čavić, Ana Likar in Ana Pečar

In the scope of the closing events of EKO 9 Triennial, we invite you to a series of artist talks with artists Ana Čavić, Ana Likar and Ana Pečar, moderated by Živa Kleindienst. Three groundbreaking visual artists of different generations, working in video, performative practices, sound, drawing, storytelling, collage and other visual media, will present their interdisciplinary artistic practices.

22 August 2024, 21:00
Old sanatorium, Tyrševa 19

Ana Čavić: A thread without end, Act I

The participatory performance Act I sees Čavić partially unfurling a five-metre-long paper scroll on a table and inviting the audience to assist her by ‘scrolling’ along while she simultaneously narrates and illustrates the unfolding story mapped out on the elaborately decorated scroll. A meandering text “thread” enables Čavić to take different story paths and, depending on the path taken, to illustrate the story in different ways, thus ensuring that the story is never performed in the same way twice. At the same time, Čavić encourages the audience to “feel” their way through the story by scrolling for, as they follow its literal and figurative twist and turns, they set the momentum of the storytelling performance alongside the performer.

Triennial of
Art and
EKO 9 Eyes in the Stone is part of project EMPACT | Empathy & Sustainability, co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.