»Stubborn beings: more than human shadows«
Project by Department of Fine arts students from the Faculty of Education in the University of Maribor
The Earths habitable ability is reducing and hence forcing us, to research new perspectives and search for innovative solutions. Many of those go above the anthropocentric worldview and are encouraging reflections about reevaluating the human relationship with environment and other living beings. The garden and the lung dispensary in centre of Maribor, that are abandoned, are a representation of the persistence and appropriation of living beings, that reside there. Their perseverance and resilience is mirrored in their biological processes, that have in the past 10 years, without human intervention, settled the place. Their properties became an inspiration for artworks created by students. With it, they are challenging well established norms of observing, are checking and broadening the limits of our understanding and shaping new visions of our shared, more than human, future.
Mentors to students: Prof. Dušan Zidar in Asst. Prof. Polonca Lovšin, PhD